When a student has certain types of learning needs and challenges, they may be eligible for special education services. There is typically an initial assessment that evaluates a child’s needs to determine the specific types of help they require. After the assessment,...
Special Education Law
The details of an IEP meeting
If your child has specific types of learning needs, you understand the challenges they face in school. Educational struggles may prevent your child from learning with traditional methods, but that does not mean that they cannot succeed in school. These students may...
Are special education students treated fairly in school?
When parents send their kids to school, they expect that their children will receive fair and reasonable treatment, regardless of their abilities. Special education students often require additional support, and behavioral concerns can be a common issue for teachers...
Parents are the best advocates for special education students
It can be difficult for Parents of unique learners to understand what their student needs for success in the classroom. Parents of California special education students often feel overwhelmed by the school system and the steps they need to take to ensure their child...
Due process hearings and special education rights
Each child has the right to a full and fair educational experience, regardless of their abilities. Special education students in California are entitled to support and assistance in the classroom, and parents have the right to advocate on behalf of their children. It...
California schools struggling to fill special ed staffing needs
When a child has specific types of learning needs, they could qualify for services and supports through the school system. Special education students may be eligible for accommodations and support that will allow them to have a full and fair educational experience....
California special education laws may discriminate against some
All students with learning needs due to physical or social-emotional struggles have the right to receive support, assistance and accommodations in the classroom. California law requires schools, teachers, administrators and districts to provide special education...
School not complying with special education laws
Each student has the right to a full and fair educational experience, regardless of income level, learning abilities and other factors. Special education students are entitled to supports and services according to their individual needs, provided through their local...
The Details of a Student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Parents of students who have specific learning needs may find it is difficult to ensure that their children have what they need for educational success. Special education students are entitled to a full and fair educational experience, but California parents may find...
Why are fewer students receiving special education services?
When students have limitations that prevent them from learning in traditional formats, they may be eligible for certain types of support from their schools. Special education programs are designed to provide services to students who need accommodations, services and...