When a student is unable to succeed in the classroom with traditional educational methods, that student may need additional support and assistance. Through the special education program, students with learning needs can benefit from accommodations and/or services in a uniquely created plan suited to the individual student. However, the first step is to properly evaluate a California student to determine what needs they have and how to provide appropriate assistance.
Methods for evaluation
There are different ways to evaluate a student for learning disabilities. The appropriate approach depends on the specific student and the unique challenges they are facing in school. In some cases, multiple assessment tools are necessary and appropriate. Examples of these areas of assessment include:
- Individualized Academic Achievement
- Intellectual Ability
- Social-Emotional, Mental Health & Behavior
- Motor Skills & Sensory Processing
- Visual Perception
- Speech/Language
- Attention Processing
- Executive Functioning
- Health
The results of these assessments provide insight into the types of support a child may need in school. The assessment results are required to be presented at an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meeting to determine special educational eligibility, along with necessary supports and services.
Seeking a full educational experience
California parents have the right to advocate for their children. If they believe it is necessary, they may request an assessment for special education from the school district to ensure their child is provided needed supports and services in order for them to have an appropriate educational experience. It may be helpful to seek legal assistance when navigating these complex matters.