Every Child Has Unique Needs; Options Must Be Provided To Meet Them
Is the school meeting the unique educational needs of your special needs child? Are you aware of the wide range of environments and educational aids your child is legally entitled to? You may not know the answers to those questions, but that’s OK because you have us.
At Augustin Egelsee, LLP, we are Danielle Augustin and Edwin Egelsee, passionate, caring attorneys for families with children in need of educational law representation. Ours is a firm for kids, and with over 50 years of combined experience, we have the knowledge and track record that people can trust. Our clients come from across Orange County and gain the care and attention they deserve. We know that your child’s education is a huge priority for you, and it is going to be our priority, too.
Understand Your Options
Each Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) must have a continuum of program options available to meet the needs of a child with a disability. This goes hand in hand with the requirement that a child with a disability must be placed in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
At a minimum, the following options are available:
- General education
- Resource specialist program (RSP)
- Related services – These are developmental, corrective, and supportive services that are required to assist a student to benefit from his or her education. These may include speech and language, health services, occupational therapy, assistive technology, augmentative alternative communication, adapted physical education, behavior intervention, vocational education, career development, social skills training, mental health and school-based counseling
- Specialized academic instruction (SAI)
- Nonpublic school placement
- State special schools
- Instruction using telecommunication, instruction in the home, in hospitals, and in other institutions – This includes home/hospital placements and even residential treatment centers and is considered the most restrictive education placement possible.
Again, the most important thing to consider is the individual, unique needs of a student with disabilities. The legal mandate to have a continuum of program options available is to ensure that a program will be available to meet the unique needs of the student in the LRE.
As special education attorneys at Augustin Egelsee, LLP, we are experienced advocates who have helped children obtain placement in the appropriate educational setting for nearly two decades. We are skilled at overcoming obstacles and getting your children the free appropriate public education (FAPE) they are legally entitled to.
Contact the Orange County special education attorneys at Augustin Egelsee, so we can discuss your circumstances, explain your rights and set you and your family in the right direction.
Services can be provided in Spanish and Korean, upon request.
California Residential Treatment Center
A residential treatment center (RTC) may be an appropriate placement for students who are unable to make appropriate progress in school in a less restrictive educational setting. This can be a tough decision to make, especially if it involves sending the student to a RTC outside of California.
We have represented hundreds of students in this situation and can determine whether the school district has provided appropriate educational services that meet the needs of your child and if your child requires RTC placement.
Contact our firm to reach the Orange County special education attorneys at Augustin Egelsee, so we can discuss your circumstances, explain your rights, and set you and your family in the right direction.