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Special Education Law

California schools struggling to fill special ed staffing needs

On Behalf of | Sep 12, 2023 | Special Education |

When a child has specific types of learning needs, they could qualify for services and supports through the school system. Special education students may be eligible for accommodations and support that will allow them to have a full and fair educational experience. However, some California schools are struggling to fill special education staffing needs, which may mean some students are not getting the assistance they are entitled to.

Will the students suffer?

It can be challenging to provide special education services, and it is not always easy for schools to fully staff classrooms with the necessary special education staff. Reportedly, one district in the state has approximately 200 vacancies, requiring them to use the services of outside agencies to fill these roles. However, this can cost significantly more than directly hiring critical special education professionals. Staffing concerns continues to have a negative impact on students who are not provided the necessary supports and services required for them to access their education.

Advocating for the rights of special education students

Special education students have the right to a full and fair educational experience in their California classrooms. However, it can be difficult to guarantee that students will receive their rightful services when there is not enough staff or staff that does not meet quality standards. A parent who has concerns regarding their child’s educational rights may benefit from speaking with a special education attorney.
